Trial Fonts

Here you can download our trial fonts, which should be used only to test your designs for approval purposes before purchasing a commercial license.

For more details, please read our End User License Agreement in the Trial Fonts section.

The download includes a zip file with all our typefaces in Opentype format. The fonts have “Test” in the title and only include this limited character set with no OpenType features:

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ÁÂÄÀÅÃÆÇÐÉÊËÈÍÎÏÌÑÓÔÖÒØÕÞÚÛÜÙÝ áâäàåãæçðéêëèíîïìñóôöòøõþßúûüùýÿ 0123456789 ªº*\·:,!¡#.?¿"';//_{}[]()-«»¢¤$£¥+×÷=><%@&¶©®°|^´¸¨`¯